About Me

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Jessie Glenn attended Reed College and Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. Her book publicity work has been highlighted in Poets & Writers Magazine, Annie Jenning’s EliteWire, AWP, and numerous “Ask the Expert” articles. She was picked as a judge for the IndieReader Discovery Awards the Women's Fiction Rising Star Awards and in an unrelated twist, she was also a contestant on MasterChef season 3. Jessie teaches a Master's level book publicity class for Portland State University's Masters in Publishing degree. In additional to her own writing clips in NYT Modern Love, WaPo, Toronto Star and elsewhere, Jessie is a comfortable, well practiced public speaker, media coach and takes on select PR repping positions for notable clients.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Rain, man.

Waking up with an incurable desire for donuts, I talked Myles (my 8 year old son) into walking to the store (in the rain) and getting some. Wow.

After he came back he told me that he planned not to be outside for longer than 90 seconds the rest of the day. "The amount of time," he explained "To get into a car."

Sweet child. My daughter, Zane and I snuggled in bed reading fantasy adventure books. Eragon, Anyone?

I used to fucking Hate that shit, but it's way more fun to read with a kid. All those dwarfs and dragons and all...

Though, I must confess to strongly hoping she doesn't become one of those d&d teens. "yes, dear, of Course all your friends can come over and role play... Just make sure Xdathern doesn't have another accident tangling his cloak and sword..."


Before that, she told me that she likes to read books that are sad - either where the beloved dog dies in the end or where children or other sympathetic characters endure horrible situations.

Now that's something I can get behind. My kind of book!

Myles basically reads manuals.

And Fuck! In Rolling Stone last month, there was this totally freaky story about how climate change has been underestimated by even the most pessimistic. He said that of the 6.5 billion people on the earth, 6 billion of them will die in the next 80 years.

I googled Alaska and found this Canadian Bear-Man Real Estate agent.

10 acres, I said. Above sea level.

He didn't seem to think it was weird. In any case, to buy 10 acres in a nice location with lots of moose, in Alaska (with nothing on it, obviously)is about a thousand dollars an acre.

Or, 2k and $50 a month. i.e. Less than cable.

Today on the front page, a similar prediction (though less dire), was the top story.

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