About Me

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Jessie Glenn attended Reed College and Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. Her book publicity work has been highlighted in Poets & Writers Magazine, Annie Jenning’s EliteWire, AWP, and numerous “Ask the Expert” articles. She was picked as a judge for the IndieReader Discovery Awards the Women's Fiction Rising Star Awards and in an unrelated twist, she was also a contestant on MasterChef season 3. Jessie teaches a Master's level book publicity class for Portland State University's Masters in Publishing degree. In additional to her own writing clips in NYT Modern Love, WaPo, Toronto Star and elsewhere, Jessie is a comfortable, well practiced public speaker, media coach and takes on select PR repping positions for notable clients.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sub-Atomic rocks my world

Yay Steve Libbey and Charity! These two have started an independent Portland press with a couple of titles already up for grabs - notably, BloodBaths, which just came out in November. We all got together to talk publishing and synergy and eat Middle Eastern food. Yum, all around.

They have some interesting titles coming out over the next few months, and auspicious plans for their release. This is definitely a press to keep an eye on. They are both super talented. FYI in webland - they are publishing (and accepting) national manuscripts, not exclusively local.

Blogspot STILL hates my guts sooooo here's another unlinked link: http://www.subatomicbooks.com/

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