About Me

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Jessie Glenn attended Reed College and Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. Her book publicity work has been highlighted in Poets & Writers Magazine, Annie Jenning’s EliteWire, AWP, and numerous “Ask the Expert” articles. She was picked as a judge for the IndieReader Discovery Awards the Women's Fiction Rising Star Awards and in an unrelated twist, she was also a contestant on MasterChef season 3. Jessie teaches a Master's level book publicity class for Portland State University's Masters in Publishing degree. In additional to her own writing clips in NYT Modern Love, WaPo, Toronto Star and elsewhere, Jessie is a comfortable, well practiced public speaker, media coach and takes on select PR repping positions for notable clients.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Another Sicko Artist (heart)

Christopher Sage did something rather incredible - he made me raise my eyebrows in a slight gesture of... not shock exactly, but something.

Though he won some awards for his film, Remnants (which I want to see but can't figure out how), he decided to drop film and start on a few books. Note the implication of multiple simultaneous projects. Already grounds for suspicion.

The two pre-release copies of the books I read are seriously disturbing journeys. One is the morbid photo journal of a sadistic photographer who finds he starts to like the bodies of his nude models as they become increasingly mascochistic, insecure and self-damaged. Lot of pics of *Scar Tissue Plus*. Thad be like *Topless Plus* (which always seemed a misnomer to me), not like extra skin... The book intends to challenge misogyny and the stereotypical male idea of beauty.

The other is presented as a found object - a journal by a kid brother in high school. Cute huh? Except the whole journal is a lead up to the kid slicing his head off as a campaign speech for student body president. Lotsa blood.

Damn, kid. What's next? Christopher Sage is tentatively releasing both books Valentine's Day, 2008.

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