About Me

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Jessie Glenn attended Reed College and Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. Her book publicity work has been highlighted in Poets & Writers Magazine, Annie Jenning’s EliteWire, AWP, and numerous “Ask the Expert” articles. She was picked as a judge for the IndieReader Discovery Awards the Women's Fiction Rising Star Awards and in an unrelated twist, she was also a contestant on MasterChef season 3. Jessie teaches a Master's level book publicity class for Portland State University's Masters in Publishing degree. In additional to her own writing clips in NYT Modern Love, WaPo, Toronto Star and elsewhere, Jessie is a comfortable, well practiced public speaker, media coach and takes on select PR repping positions for notable clients.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Gigs n' Rockstars

Fuck. I haven't gone out and seen a show in I can't remember how long. I mean, I see music, but music in my living room, or at a party, or... how to differentiate - Quiet music. Yeah, I see that.

Maybe I was somewhat ruined by working at a punk club for too long. It was all so fun until I stopped living in that bourbon soaked hole. And after that, I had no inclination to return for any reason.

In any case, that is sort of circuitous background info to a 'what the fuck I did last night" blog.

I've been writing for this company, Writers of the Round Table, for a while but had never met any of the project managers in person. It's all telecommuting and shit.

So the woman I work with most often (Eva) is married to the drummer in the Zappa plays Zappa band (Joe Travers). She flew into Portland to meet him while he was on tour and she and I got a chance to meet Eva in person. What a kind and collected seeming soul! I was quite touched by her sweetness.

God, I'm rambling. This was supposed to be about rockstars. OK Rockstars. Eva got me tickets to the show and backstage passes. I forgot how much I love that shit.

For a nosy person such as myself it is pure bliss to be able to walk where you want sans security.

The group of guys (and one girl) in the band and their techs were very down to earth.

We all went to a strip club after the show.

The end.

1 comment:

Middle Ditch said...

As you are a scriptwriter you might like what I do. Fed up with rejections I decided to record my work with friends and put it on my blog spot. The serial is now going to be broadcast soon on World Radio Paris too.


What genre are you reading?
